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Pop-Up Shop


First off, thank you for being a vendor and something unique for our community!

Our rules are pretty simple:

1. Be respectful of our regular tenants

2. You must provide your own tent, table, chairs, etc. We only provide the physical 10x10 space for you.

3. Keep your products within your 10x10 tent. You may extend out for bigger pieces to be displayed, but please don't make us have to do space management. Keep it reasonable. 

4. Keep your space neat and tidy. If it becomes an issue, you may be asked not to come back. 

5. Garbage, please pick up after yourselves. There is one small garbage can, please only use it for consumables (ie. no dumping of large items). 

6. No loud music etc. 

7. No selling anything illegal. 

8. It is your own responsibility to secure your tent and items. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

9. Secure your tent. We have a rocky driveway. Sandbags are the only way to secure your tent to the ground, no tent stakes!

10. Vendor fees are non-refundable. They are a flat rate for Saturday and Sunday, even if you only plan to be there for part of the time. New vendors require pre-approval. To get pre-approved text 'New Vendor' to 651-323-8954.

11. Vendors are responsible to charge and pay sales tax as required by law. Please check the Secretary of State's website for current tax information for our area. 

12. We reserve the right to reject vendor applications. Past acceptance does not guarantee future acceptance. 

12. If you have any questions please ask. We reserve the right to modify these rules as we see fit. Have a good time and thanks again for being a local vendor!

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